Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Great Fall of Peer-To-Peer

Peer-To-Peer is actually a file sharing network, actually designed for high speed transfers but now mostly used for illegally sharing the file.The theme behind the Peer-To-Peer network is there will be Peer-To-Peer clients which have the address of central system which has the Database of files present in Peer-To-Peer network. Whenever you search for a file the central system is accessed and the original location of the file ie in which client it is present is identified and you directly start downloading from the client, you don't access the central system anymore. After you finished downloading, your address will also be added in central system and you may upload the file for other client. But in Peer-To-Peer you can control the downloads and uploads,thus you can simply download file without uploading. Many started to download files they never thought of uploading so the files became unavailable very soon. So they decided to develop another network to prevent this type of problem and thus finally the outcome was the Torrent.

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